Friday, December 28, 2007


Basically, this is how this holiday season has left me ( setting Jesus' birthday and all that means aside for the moment). From the draining family ordeal that began just after Halloween right up until now...I am just a skeleton of my former self.

I sit in front of a computer, hoping to spill out something worthwhile to write and the words do not pounce forth. Sometimes I burst out crying...and sometimes I beat back the tears in angry defiance.

As all things, "this too shall pass", I have been dealt a good deal of "things" on a personal level over the last few months and it is getting harder and harder for me to get over them (though I know I must) and harder still, to see the proverbial "light" at the end of the tunnel. But I shall and I will...

It will take perseverance. It will take prayer. It will take forgiveness. It will take all those things and much more that I cannot grasp JUST yet, but I will.

I will.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

When Life Hands You Lemons....

In total height, it is probably about 7 1/2'... more than likely taller to the very tip. A real Frasier Fir that I bought at our local grocery store. It is VERY SIMPLY decorated with white and silver glass balls. VERY small green, blue, and red glass balls...and red berry sprays throughout.
So...we did not go through Christmas without a tree gracing our living room.
But from this Christmas and many Christmases to come, the tree that DOES enter our primary living space will no longer be the same as it once was.
That will be entered into the ledger book into the Ghosts of Christmas past....not to be seen again....until its necessary time..
For now, this tree, and 11 months of thinking about what the other options will be...will have to suffice.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

It's A Wonderful Life - Middle School Play

This is a compilation of pictures from the play my oldest was in. You will see a picture of my youngest taken by the stage as well.

Monday, December 10, 2007

A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words

Before and After shots....guess which is which...Last post for awhile..Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, December 3, 2007

A Christmas Carol--1951

This is my favorite scene from my favorite version of this Dickens story. Alistair Sim was amazing in his conversion from "covetous old sinner" to the man who "knew how to keep Christmas well". This scene makes me cry EVERY time I watch it.